Wednesday 24 June 2009

Kilkenny Centenary Stamp

I recently illustrated the new 55c stamp celebrating Kilkenny's 400th centenary of the granting of the city's charter.
The initial sketches explored a completely different direction, a more abstract and composite route, but eventually the Stamps Advisory committee prefered a more representative approach.

Two illustrations were completed for the final job; the illustration of Kilkenny castle for the stamp itself and a view of the tholsel or town hall for the first day cover.


Maureen said...

Very nice sketches. Do you color them on the computer, or by hand?

Roger O'Reilly said...

Yeah. They are finished in photoshop. Linework is done in inks and scanned in. The style was originally intended for watercolours but I was always unhappy with the way yellows and light washes scanned, so I started experimenting with duplicating it in photoshop. Tried Painter, but on my version it was turgid going.

Kathy said...

your sketches are great, I found your blog from Urban Sketches. I might show my students in school some of your work.